
TRAVELPLACE: Platform specialized in Tourism.
TravelPlace 4.0 was born as a free shopping platform for each single product with different business rules. There are product assembly and customization applications:
- Free Basket: allows the user to create his own journey freely with a trolley by assembling all the available products at will
- Template: create travel packages with selected products and the possibility of giving alternatives within the recommended products
- eQuotation: Allows you to create a quote and send it to the end customer or agency with direct online confirmation with or without credit card payment
- eBox: The ability to create a virtual box or a Gift with a set of single or combined products inside and combined with the pre-purchase of a Gift
- eItinerary: allows you to define a quote with just 4 clicks by combining Flights, Hotels, Activities, Car Cruises and Transfers
The TravelPlace solution is managed in modular blocks both at the product level and at the business logic level. The sales channels are divided into 3 types API, Web, Sub Site manages the types of B2B users, B2C and B2B2C.
Products connetc in TravelPlace
Currently in the dynamic engines different products are connected with external suppliers in WebService that join the product that can be loaded manually and that can be composed with the various TravelPlace tools.
Hotel: 85 providers number of re-attacks of nortmalized managed accommodation.
Channel Manger: 17 connected with coverage from chains to individual hotels
Flight: Integrated flight providers Amadeus, NDC Lufthansa, Traverlport and Travelfusion
Activity: 6 connected providers of excursions and ticketing activities
Cruis: Direct connection with MSC cruises
Rent Car: 2 connected aggregators Carnet and Flexible Auto
Transfer: 2 connected aggregators Webeds e Hotelbeds
Trein: Currently connected Trenitalia with the regional French, German and Eurostar trains
some feature
Content Management System
The CMS is the autoediting interface that allows content management through data insertions divided between blocks sliders and pages, directly applicable to the published GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Manual Loading
Travelplace do available loading modules for hotels, activities, transfers, tours with flat rates, per person and per travel arrangement, with currency and allotmen management
Custome Management
Management and customization of customer configurations. Payment settings, billing, commercial strategy, company contacts and products sold. This allows the user to customize and adapt the platform to their business logic
Operations Backoffice
Back office for managing sales, travel documents and customer interaction. With a few clicks you can manage and modify the sales made on customers that are recorded in automatic by the system
Open and integrable system
The platform is designed to be integrated upstream with all suppliers and flows via webservice and downstream thanks to all data exposure processes towards administrative and data warehouse systems.
Sales channels
With TravelPlace you can manage a multi-channel sales. It is possible to manage multiple sites with a single back office with the possibility of B2B, B2C, B2B2C sales and via Web service for individual services
view a DEMOeCommerce

MINDCOMMERCE: Platform specialized in eCommerce fisical product.
is the verticalization of the solution developed by mind3 for the management of an online stor.
- Items: Management of items of different types such as fashion, jewelry, electronics and food with expiry date. The article can then be combined in various ways within the sale
- Item Options: The product is managed both in different ways such as, single item management, variant management (size-color, measures, lot) with the possibility of grouping it in bill of materials or sales boundle
- Stock: MindCommerce has within it the management of the stock by aggregate or by single product variant, keeping within it the traceability of the single pesso linked to the entry and shipment of the item
- Comunications: The solution provides for customer actions such as registration, request, order confirmation, shipping and tracking a series of autoamtic communications that can be configured directly by the user
A quick solution to create your online store with the assistance of a team of people who have been operating in the online sales market since 2006.
Some Number of MindCommerce
some numbers that highlight the experience and solidity of the vertical solution for the online shop.
Items: a broad basket of products managed in three different sectors
Customer: number of active platforms of different sizes
Delivery: management of shipments to end customers or transfers to points of sale
Userse: nowadays, online shops are visited by a good number of users on a daily basis
Page view: the number of pages viewed on our customers tracked through google analytics
Integrations: the system is open to upstream and downstream integrations like all other Mind3 solutions
some feature
Content Management System
The CMS is the authoring interface that allows content management through data insertions divided between blocks sliders and pages, directly applicable to the published GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Manual Loading
MindCommerce makes available modules for loading products of various kinds with the possibility of assigning attributes and characteristics that are then available to create filters and dedicated pages on the site
Custome Management
Management and customization of customer configurations. Payment settings, billing, commercial strategy, company contacts and products sold. This allows the user to customize and adapt the platform to their business logic
Operations Backoffice
Back office for managing sales and customer interaction. With a few clicks you can manage and modify the sales made on customers that are recorded in autoamtico by the system
Open and integrable system
The platform is designed to be integrated upstream with all suppliers and flows via webservice and downstream thanks to all data exposure processes towards administrative and data warehouse systems.
Sales channels
With MindCommece you can manage a multi-channel sales. It is possible to manage multiple sites with a single back office with the possibility of B2B, B2C, B2B2C sales.
Contact usLogistic

Watchful: Platform specialized in info-Logistics.
is the verticalization of the solution developed by mind3 for the management integrations the logistics process.
- Back Office: tool that manages all the control and tracking functions of the activities on shipments and on the preparation of orders
- Drop sheepment: Interface dedicated to external sellers who ship from their peripheral warehouse with management and control functions
- Integration: by nature of the application it integrates with upstream with customer management systems and downstream with carrier and warehouse systems
- Delivery Point: interfaces dedicated to delivery and collection points distributed throughout the territory with local stock management
An integrated solution that allows the customer to keep the order process and the monitoring of deliveries under control.
Some Number of Watchful
some numbers that highlight the experience and solidity of the vertical solution for info-logistics.
Items: a broad basket of products managed in three different type
Customer: one of the largest ecommerce in the last twenty years in Italy
Delivery a day: management of shipments to end customers or transfers to points of sale
Yeas: the application has been used with various evolutions for several years
Moduls: the platform is compose with Whatchfull, Dropper, PPLight, Tracking, eRobots
Integrations: the system is open to upstream and downstream integrations like all other Mind3 solutions
some feature
Central module for the management of info-logistics with a back office that gives the corridor vision and interactivity on all processes managed between shipments, orders and deliveries
Interface dedicated to partners who put sales products on their site by managing shipments from their warehouse. Keeping vision of the orders to be fulfilled and the tracking of the shipment
application for collection and collection points where the system manages both the available stock, the loading, the cashier and the management of authorized returns
Contact usContact
Contact Us
Via Giulia 43, 6855 Stabio (TI) Swiss
+41 (0)91 6309202